

How does watermelon, mint, lemon drink help with glowing skin?

 Summer is upon us and what better than to stay hydrated with water, juices, and the like? While such drinks do quench your thirst, some of them taken regularly can help you have glowing skin too. Content creator Arti Sahani took to Instagram to share a summer drink that can be prepared in a jiffy.

“Can have this as your mid-meal to keep yourself cool, hydrated, healthy, and glowing,” said Sahani.

Combining watermelon, mint, and lemon with soaked sabja seeds and honey, Sahani mentioned, “Eat clean, get fit, be happy!”

What’s the recipe?


1.5 cups – Watermelon
1tsp – Honey
2tsp – Soaked sabja seeds
1/4 cup – Mint leaves
1tbsp – Lemon juice
Pink/black salt as per taste
1 cup – Water/coconut water
Ice cubes


*Blend chopped watermelon, mint, and water or coconut water.
*In a glass, add soaked sabja seeds, ice, and the prepared drink, along with a squeeze of fresh lemon, and honey if desired.

How does this drink help?

Dr Shareefa Chause, dermatologist and cosmetologist, Shareefa’s Skin Care Clinic, and Apollo Spectra Hospital, Chembur, when combined, this refreshing drink gives several benefits to our skin.


Rich in vitamins A and C, watermelon also has high water content which helps to keep skin smooth, hydrated and also promotes collagen production of our skin.


Dr Chause mentioned that lemon contains a rich amount of vitamin C which helps in brightening, and fading spots of our skin along with promoting collagen production.


Mint has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which help to soothe skin irritation and inflammation. The aroma of mint has been associated with stress reduction which indirectly helps our skin by alleviating stress-related skin issues, said Dr Chause.

Sabja seeds

When you drink sabja seed water, it helps cool down your body, making it a good option if you have acidity or excess heat. It also contributes to daily hydration, said Lakshita Jain, clinical dietitian and founder, NUTR, Delhi. “Packed with essential nutrients like fibre, iron, and protein, you can consume the seeds with water in the morning or add them to porridges, sherbet, herbal teas, smoothies, yogurt, or on top of your salad,” said Jain.

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